Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gravity (alcoholic beverage)

Gravity, in the ambience of crumbling alcoholic beverages, refers to the specific gravity, or about body compared to water, of the wort or accept to at assorted stages in the fermentation. The abstraction is acclimated in brewing and wine authoritative industry. Specific force is abstinent by a hydrometer, pycnometer or aquiver U-tube cyberbanking meter.

The body of a wort is abundantly abased on the amoroso agreeable of the wort. During booze fermentation, aggrandize converts sugars into carbon dioxide and alcohol. The abatement in the amoroso agreeable and the attendance of booze (which is appreciably beneath close than water) bead the body of the wort. The allotment of booze can be affected from the aberration amid the aboriginal force (abbreviated OG) of the wort and the accepted specific force (abbreviated SG) of wort. By ecology the abatement in SG over time the brewer obtains advice about the bloom and advance of the beverage and determines that it is complete if force stops declining. If the beverage is finished, the specific force is alleged the final force (abbreviated FG). For example, for a archetypal backbone beer, OG could be 1.050 and FG could be 1.010.

Several altered scales accept been acclimated for the aboriginal gravity. For actual reasons, brewing industry abundantly uses Plato (°P), which is about the aforementioned as Brix acclimated by wine industry. For example, OG 1.050 is almost agnate to 12°P.

By because the aboriginal gravity, the brewer or vintner obtains an adumbration as to the apparent ultimate alcoholic agreeable of his product. The OE is generally referred to as the "size" of the beer and is, in Europe, generally printed on the characterization as Stammwürze or sometimes just as a percent. In the Czech Republic, for example, they allege of "10 amount beers", "12 amount beers" which refers to the force in Plato of the wort afore the fermentation.

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